Truth Like A Torch

I began this blog speaking on metaphors, baking metaphors. Metaphors are non-literal illustrative figures of speech. That's why when I spoke of the uses of a whisk, spatula and mit, I related them to life but not in the actual sense of being whisked, scraped or mitted.

Today, am going to go in a different direction. And this will be by the use of similes. A simile is also a figure of speech but in this case, a comparison is made using the word 'as' or 'like'. So, I've picked truth as my topic for today and what better way to illustrate this than with the use of a simile.

   "Truth like a torch, the more it's shook, it shines". 

Hahhaaa... now I don't know about you, but have you ever tried shaking or hitting a torch in order for it to work? I don't know what science that is, but the torch eventually does shine.. and brighter at that! I can imagine that the ions (forgive me physicists if am wrong) knock each other around in the batteries such that they cause the light to actually shine brighter. Same goes for any other batteries really... especially the remote control! Am I right?

The dictionary definition of "truth" is that its something that is believed to be true. So in order for us to practice truth or be truthful, we have to first believe. Then no wonder many of us fail to be truthful because sadly we've been taught to question everything and not just believe.

In the world right now, we're surrounded by truth. An example is as simple as, the earth is round. Many of us know this by now and yet several years ago people still claimed the earth was flat.. and to this day several people stand by this belief. They even formed a society (The Flat Earth Society) that claims just that.. imagine that!

But, let's think about it for a minute.. isn't this what standing for truth means.. not being wavered by any opinions that claim otherwise. No matter the absurdity of this claim, what matters is that these people continue to stand for what they believe in at any cost. This is where the concept of "shaking a torch" comes in. These people have faced opposition over many years about their beliefs and am certain, many have questioned their sanity. However, they have picked themselves up, dusted off and carried on even stronger than when they first began. Their "torch" a.k.a belief system continues to shine, and brighter at that.

So I guess what am trying to say is maybe today, whatever your belief system might be, whatever truth you hold on to, keep at it. However absurd it might seem to someone else, keep on your course. Because really, we're all in this journey of life together, and what matters at the end is your truth; that thing that you chose to believe in.

Have a truthful day!

Love, S


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